Rocket In the News
2019 Best Car Wash: Rocket Express

This category got lots of votes — everybody washes their car at some point — and Rocket Express returned to the top spot by a good margin.

Voted # 1 in the Treasure Valley

Voted #1 by our loyal customers! We are the best of Treasure Valley!

Staying ahead of our competition

Co-Owner of Rocket Express "Competition puts everyone on their A-game."

Poised for Growth: Sustainably scaling our business

"Energy costs and water costs will continue to rise", Russell said. "I believe businesses that are being responsible and making these improvements will be the best businesses in the future."

How a rejected job applicant's rage hurt a Boise business Pt.2

Further research showed that a year before this incident began, both individuals had written similar scathing negative reviews for a different Boise car wash, unassociated with Rocket Express.

Rocket Express Car Wash One of Most High Tech in Country...

The Rocket Express Car Wash in Midvale, Utah, is the longest, most innovative and most technologically advanced car wash in the nation, says the submitter. There is only one other facility like it—the original Rocket Express in Twin Falls, Idaho.

The Rocket's Architect Josh Howa | Howa Design

The project includes 220 feet of state-of-the-art systems integration. The “first stage” incorporates stainless steel wash equipment set in operation by a motor control center and electronic eyes, hydraulic operations and a system of counterweights.

Seasonal Wash Tips

As the Summer sun heats up, sprinklers go into full gear and can hit unintentionally spray your vehicle. As the water dries, it leaves small mineral deposits which can adhere to paint and glass. Avoid parking near water lines to dodge these classic white water spots

Spring provides amazing new greenery which can sometimes overgrow into streets and driveways. Trim it all back before your car does it for you. 

Salt, sand and gravel are used on the roads during the winter season to keep us safe, but can do heavy damage to the paint of our cars. Keep your cars regularly washed and coated to avoid paint getting eaten away.

The gorgeous leaves and rain begin to fall for the barren of winter but can sometimes back up into windshield drains causing major clogs. Eventually this can lead to flooding in passenger compartments. Keep these areas clean and clear of dried foliage.